Product Description
Awesome Power and Fast Acceleration! The MDCS series of heavy-duty servo actuators will blow you away with force, speed, stroke, and responsiveness.
MDCS-S actuators include spherical bearings at each end of the actuator so that you can mount to a separately supported seat or frame. Kits come with varying actuator quantities so that you can choose from higher flexibility or lower cost. The PC controller is made for integration to over 80 games and includes an API to allow custom applications. These actuators can be used to build 6 DOF platforms such as a Hexapod or Stewart Platform, and are also a great option to add flexibility to a platform running with MDCS-F actuators (for example, for traction loss). Items specific to the simulator such as the frame, seat, wheel, etc are not included. Call Mirai today!
Stewart Platform Design
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